Hello to the few that follow my blog, I have had a new one made and you can find it at: needleworkbyrosemary.blogspot.com
Please come visit and let's get acquainted again, I have been ill since I came home from Illinois. As previously stated I was ill and then had a horrible Gallbladder attack in November and had it removed in December. In July I again had to have surgery and while recovering 2 1/2 weeks later had Pancratitis and was in the hospital for one week. I was anemic from my surgery and had no strength and could barely get around for weeks after. I am now just starting to feel better and have wanted a new blog for sometime, and came across Karen Valentine's name and she was the one who designed it for me. I love it and can't wait to make it more homey with my pictures. Would love to hear from you now and then about what you have been doing.
Rose Marys Needlework
My blog for all of my new stitching to be shown
Bee Eater
Thread painting
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Friday, February 15, 2013
My friend Nina continues to be in remission which makes me so happy and hope it continues for the rest of her life. She has been doing really well and is driving herself everywhere and shopping and doing most all of what she did before getting so ill. I am turning 70 this year and my children are giving me a huge birthday party, they have been interviewing caterers and DJ's etc. I am looking for a floor length dressy dress to wear since it is going to be a dressy affair. I have been so ill I have not been able to get excited about it, but now that I am on the mend I am sure I will.
I had gall bladder surgery December 21, 2012 and came out well. Easiest surgery I have ever had with tiny little incisions. Then 3 weeks later I had an allergic reaction to a new blood pressure pill and have been so sick since. This Tuesday I finally felt like I was going to live. I hate meds aand am going on a diet and get off my meds when I have lost enough to do without them. I have been stitching so much and have finished one project after another and finishing up one knitting project after another. I have been in a sewing frenzy and it feels good. I am the chairman of our arts & crafts group here at the park and two weeks ago we had 11 ladies attend and one wants to make exactly what I was working on. Such lovely ladies and each one working on their own projects and it's exciting to see them finished. Our weather has been cold and warm last week we were about 52 deg. and today we were at 80 deg. next Tuesday we are supposed to have rain and in the low 50s again, but it felt good to have the sun shining.
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Cannot believe how many months have gone by since arriving from Illinois. Nina is doing real well and in remission. I have been spending my time knitting and crocheting and doing silk ribbon projects. Also took a class with Trish Burr from South Africa online and made her little Bee Eater, loved doing the project and I think for my first project it came out good. Will be doing more thread painting projects soon. Have fallen behind on TAST again, have about 6 weeks to make up and have not posted the pictures of all the ones I have done, need to do that soon. I am also embellishing a sewing basket that I purchased, it is a pie safe basket and I love it so I am decorating the lid. Our Arts and Crafts group filled bags of candy for people living in our mobile home park. Santa Claus will be coming around with elves passing out bags of candy to the residents, it was so much fun laughing and giggling with all the ladies while busy working. I also have not been feeling good since returning from Illinois and two weeks ago I was rushed to the ER by paramedics with what everyone thought was a heart attack, after 7 hours in the ER I was transferred to my hospital and was there for 3 days and finally found out I had a gall bladder attack, the pain was horrible. I will be having surgery on December 21st. Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Saturday, July 14, 2012
My yorkies survived the trip to and from Illinois, and enjoyed being on a farm. But I had to borrow a rifle to guard them while they were outside because of coyotes, two of them came to close to my boys and I was glad I had the rifle. They were really happy to be home, Harlee walked into the house and climbed up on my bed and stayed there. Since they are so small I had stairs built for them to climb up on the bed, and my bed sits real tall but the stairs come right to the top of my bed. They have settled in with all their toys and are doing real good. They take such good care of me that I cannot move to do anything because all 3 boys move with me.
I have finished putting away all my supplies I took to Illinois and everything looks neat and clean. I will begin doing the past Tast tasks that I have not done and catch up. Have missed working on the stitches. My neighbor had a Margarita Ladies nite and we had a good time laughing and talking non-stop.
Saturday, June 30, 2012
I am home we left Monday at 6 am and drove 18 hours and stopped for the night 40 miles before Amarillo Tx. Tuesday we drove 17 hours and made it home at 8:50 pm. I was exhausted but it felt good sleeping in my bed. Have been unpacking and putting all my things away. My friend had her last chemo and we will find out July 16 how she is doing. They will do a Pet Scan and a bone marrow test to see if her cancer is active or if she is in remission. She is still weak but gets stronger with every passing week. It was so sad to leave her but it was time to come home. Met my new Great Grandson who was born shortly after I left for Illinois, he is a doll and always smiling and Gigi loved on him. Hopefully by next week I can finish the last 3-4 weeks of Tast and then post all the pictures. I am taking Trish Burr's internet class and that is exciting.
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